My Mini-Series

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Episode Info:

Rewind with me for a second

May 16th, 2016

Me and Stephen were getting a good amount of wedding videography jobs at this point.

I think the term is…

‘Getting by’.

But we were certainly far from comfortable.

That day changed everything.

Sitting at my desk 

Video editing…


You have (1) New email.

I have a project I would like to discuss with you guys…

What started as a small job one-off corporate video gig had made its way up to the CEO. 

He wanted a similar video for every facility they had 

75 locations, all across the country!

When they said their budget…our jaws hit the floor.

“We are thinking $225,000…” he said to me calmly on the phone.

Here was the problem… It was just me and Stephen. 

The thought immediately came into my head…

“This is impossible”

“We can’t do this”

Maybe this client thought we had a large team that could handle projects of this size?

 Did he know we were just “small” business owners “getting by”?

But how could we turn down a job that size?

This could change everything.

“We’ll get back to you.” 

I hung up the phone, 

Heads reeling from a quarter of a million-dollar opportunity being presented to us…

It was at that moment that Stephen and I looked at one another and something inside shifted.

There was a switch that flipped that to this day we look back on as never being the same since.

We asked one question…

How can I?

As soon as we shifted our default from “I can’t” to “How Can I?” all of a sudden the ideas started flowing.

That sparked the craziest few months of our life.

We roped in 20 friends from film school….

Anyone who had any kind of skill that we thought we could use.

I’m not going to lie,

It was definitely a little frazzled at times.

But do you know what? 

Somehow we pulled it off.

After paying everyone and taking off all our costs, we made around $100,000 in profit.

By just setting up the system to produce this project and managing the people who made it happen.

Now at the time, we had no idea what we had done.

But we had actually opened up a portal into a whole new world.

It wasn’t until Stephen went to a conference that we realised how we made this happen and how we could do it again and again.

Now, we paid $997 to learn what you are about to watch.

In fact, here is the receipt from the event.

It’s called the ‘4 Levels of Value’.

If you want to LEVEL UP to increase your income and impact with the resources you already have, you need to take a short break to watch this video. 

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