My Mini-Series

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Episode Info:

Since I was little, I dreamed of the big day.

Fully dressed in white from head to toe.

My dad linked arms with me as I took my first steps down the aisle.

I had found the man, I wanted to share that day with. 

His name was Stephen.

But what you spend years dreaming of can be snatched away in an instant.

“I want to call off the wedding.”

He said with a visible lump in his throat.

“Wait! What? I thought you loved me?” 

“I do. I just don’t feel ready yet.”

“Ready for what?”

“Ready for this kind of commitment.”

It was like the world had swallowed me up in a black hole.

All my dreams had suddenly been ripped away from my arms.

Where would my life go from here?

Can I be real with you?

The next months were tough.

My heart felt like it was made of glass, and it had been thrown out of our 2nd-floor window.

This is hard for me to write.

But we decided to do something in that moment that I’m forever grateful for. 

We decided in the conflict, in the uncertainty…


We spent the next season in couples therapy.

We even invested in an online course to see if we were really “the ones” for one another.

Repairing my glass heart.

Creating a new heart together made of steel.

Did we make it work?

Could we make it through this dark season to forge a new brighter bond together?

Watch episode #1 above to find out.

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